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Stock Market Exchanges


NYSE Stock Exchange History

The New York Stock Exchange history goes back to a founding agreement in 1792. However, it was registered as a national exchange with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on October 1, 1934. Until 1938  the Governing Committee was the primary governing body. In the same period the Exchange had its first paid president and a thirty-three member Board of Governors was created. The Board  of Governors included NYSE members, non-member partners from both New York and out-of-town firms, as well as public representatives.

NYSE Stock Exchange Board of Directors

In 1971 year the NYSE was reorginized as a not-for-profit corporation. On the next year (1972) the members voted to remove the Board of Governors by replacing it with a twenty-five member Board of Directors which consisted of a Chairman and CEO, twelve representatives of the securities industry, and twelve representatives from the public.

One f the main responsibilities of the Board is hat its Chairman may appoint a President, who would work as a director. In addition, by the Board's direction, an Executive Vice Chairman could be elected, who would also work as a director.


The Nasdaq Exchange is the world's largest electronic stock market which is not limited to one central location but covers several trading terminals all over the world. Here the trading is performed via sophisticated computer and telecommunications network, which distribute real-time quotes and trading data to the millions users in more than 80 countries. This Exchange does not have geographical boundaries or size limitations. Its "open architecture" market structure create an ability for a virtually unlimited number of investors to trade in a company's stock.

As of 2013, the NASDAQ lists the publicly traded companies comprises above 4000 of the world's leading stocks by continuing helping hundreds of public companies successfully make the transfer to public ownership.

As was mentioned above, trading on NASDAQ is not limited to any fixed number of investors which provides the opportunity to a large number of private investors and large professional investing companies with widely different business models and trading technologies to use the NASDAQ network and compete on an equal basis. traders and investors are not forced to go through a single financial firm to buy or sell stocks, but they may chose from a variety of competitors with whom they are going to trade. All companies trading NASDAQ stocks must be registered and certified with the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) and registered with NASDAQ Regulation'.

Via its quite unique framework of several market participants, the NASDAQ Exchange delivers listed stocks with ready access to traders, visibility in the marketplace, and market conditions that guarantee immediate and continuous trading:

With Nasdaq you will find the great liquidity, high transparency and depth of the market plus price efficiency.

Stock's Liquidity

Stock's liquidity could be best defined as how ease stocks could be bought and sold in the market. With a virtually unlimited number of market traders, the NASDAQ delivers an environment that provides greater liquidity.

Depth of Market

When the depth of market is mentioned it is referred to the total amount of money is invested in a single security by market makers and it could be considered related to the number of market traders trading in the security. On the other side, even several investors may provide abundant depth of market by buying or selling large number of shares. The knowledge of the existence of the depth of market can push traders of a stock's marketability, especially in periods of heavy volumes.


In the stock market "transparency" refers to the ability to see investors' buy and sell orders at different price levels which could be critical to the process of trading decision. NASDAQ's open market structure offers a level of transparency not found on other major U.S. markets. On NASDAQ, all bid and ask quotations in a given security are broadcast over the network. All NASDAQ market participants -� regardless of whether they are professional traders -� can see the same information.

Price Efficiency

In stock trading, as in other industries, factor of competition is one of the leading factors in creating price efficiencies. The high number of investors ensures aggressive competition for orders and helps to ensure that traders receive the best possible prices for the shares they trade.

The NASDAQ is constantly building the world's first truly global market -� Internet-accessible and digital which accessible to anyone anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. The NASDAQ OMX has already invaded new ground in Europe, Canada and Hong Kong, with plans for Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. By expanding all around the globe, the NASDAQ is building new links to additional capital and an even broader pool of investors.


The AMEX has been the first in market innovation for nearly a century and now it became the part of NYES corporation.

The American Stock Exchange's traders, brokers and specialists use the most sophisticated and advanced technology to increase trading efficiency and reliability for the traders.

AMEX advanced technology improves trading for all of the market participants each step and all the way. For listed public companies and market investors who invest in this companies, the AMEX ensures trading fairness.

AMEX Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

The AMEX's Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) marketplace covered iShares such as, QQQ (Nasdaq-100 Index Tracking Stock, QUBES), DIA (DIAMONDS), and SPY (Select Sector SPDRs). You may find entire families of ETFs listed and traded ion the AMEX. The index tracing ETFs will give you an ability to buy or sell shares of entire portfolios of stock listed in a covered index in a single share. Introduced on the Amex, these unique financial vehicle delivers the opportunities of market indexes with the advantages of stock trading.

With Exchange Traded Funds you have an access to the wide range of trading opportunities which are based on broad-market, sector and international indexes. You have the opportunity to set long-term investments in the best performed public companies and in the leading industries in the United States, or you can diversify your asset allocations using several of ETFs to fit your particular trading needs or investments goals.

AMEX Exchange History

The AMEX was the first U.S. stock market to have a presence on the world wide web (in 1995), by offering a web site rich that was filled with comprehensive data on all listed companies, options, derivatives and capital markets products.

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Risk Statement:

Naked options trading is very risky - many people lose money trading them. It is recommended contacting your broker or investment professional to find out about trading risk and margin requirements before getting involved into trading uncovered options.

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