If you are a new subscriber, or considering becoming a subscriber, you likely are wondering how difficult is it to use the trading signals generated by our trading system.
The signals generated by the trading system are explicit and simple. They tell when to open a position and when to close it. The trading signals tell where to set a stop loss. We conceal the complex technical analysis and deliver to our subscribers a simple trading system that is very easy to use. You can check our trading signal example to see how simple it is.
Underlying Security, Strike, Expiration, Entry and Exit Prices
Of course it's entirely up to the trader to make a trading decision based on our trading system. We respect those subscribers who use our signals in junction with the personal trading system and follow our signals only when they feel comfortable with the action triggered. That may substantially reduce the trading risk. However, it involves additional analysis that will rest on the investors' shoulders.
As you can see, our trading system is very simple.
Naked options trading is very risky - many people lose money trading them. It is recommended contacting your broker or investment professional to find out about trading risk and margin requirements before getting involved into trading uncovered options.