A short description of the most popular Rydex index funds that were designed to track performance of the NASDAQ 100 index.
During the last few years the Rydex funds have become very popular among investors. The main advantage of Rydex, as well as other index funds, is that they allow investors to use IRA and 401k accounts to participate in a bear market by using inverse funds, as well as leverage, trading dynamic funds or an "x2 strategy."
The history of Rydex index funds goes back to 1994 when the S&P 500 index inverse fund was launched. Since that time, more than a dozen funds that track the US indexes have been introduced to the market.
The Rydex funds that track the NASDAQ 100 index are among the most popular funds. However, investors can find ProFunds, Potomac Funds that track this index as well.
In keeping with the Security and Commissions rules, the NASDAQ 100 Rydex index Funds are traded on a daily basis (once a day) after the market close and based on the index daily close price.
A list of the most popular NASDAQ 100 Rydex index funds appears below.
Rydex OTC (NASDAQ 100) Funds
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