Uncovered Options Trading System

Options Autotrading

Naked Options AT Signals

QQQ and SPY uncovered options trading signals that are generated during the trading hours. The email alerts are sent as soon as any changes occur with our signals. This account allows autotrading.

Naked Options Signals

The same signals as above but this account does not allow autotrading.

Naked Options Reports

The same signals as above but the summary emails are sent after the market closes only. This account does not allow autotrading.

About Options Signals and our Trading System

The volume indicators used in our system are the result of four years of intensive research and hundreds of thousands of dollars in development costs. Several additional years were required to generate valid trading signals from this data. Today, these tools which chart volume data in real-time, minute by minute, are applied to various types of trading, including the trading of QQQ and SPY options.

Each member of our team (which ranges from market analysts to software developers already had at least 10 years of personal trading experience when we began our research and development process. Even today, we constantly strive to improve the system day by day, to make it the very best it can be and to continually adapt it to real-life market conditions. The result is a system that makes trading simple, reliable, and profitable for you!

Our system completely excludes the emotional factor from the trading process. Consequently, we believe that if you place your trust in our system, you can only stand to benefit from it. Our trading system is not 100% mechanical, as it does incorporate a certain degree of subjectivity. The basic technology behind the trading system is Volume and Volatility charts , which allow our analysts to make informed, but still somewhat subjective, decisions as to where the market is likely headed in the mid- and long-term. Keep in mind that we also incorporate other forms of technical analysis into our decision making process.

Give our SPY and QQQ Options Trading System a try! Let us show you the value of this system.. All you need to do to get started is subscribe for a membership.

2006 year

Trades - options trades in 2006 year - 95% accurate trading System

QQQ Trades - +$43,275 by investing only 20% (from $100K account)  in each QQQ  uncovered options trade in 2006

SPY Trades - +$80,635 by investing only 20% (from $100K account) in each QQQ  uncovered options trade in 2006

Our Options Trading System:

Trading Signals - short excurse into our QQQ and SPY trading system, how uncovered options signals are generated and how our signals could be used.

Trading Strategy - Depending on their trading styles and risk tolerance, traders can select among a number of money management approaches for options trading.

After-Close Trading Strategies - there is a possibility of using our options alerts on the next trading day after a signal was issued.

Options Broker - List of the online options brokers who would be please to autotrade our signals.

Options Autotrading - If a trader who auto-trades our signals requests signals service cancellation, we notify the online broker who provides the auto-trading.

Buy Options - When we issue a signal we assume that options are sold short to open a trade and options are bought to close a trade.

Signal Publish - Short description of the events when our signal email alerts are sent out.

Signal Message - Each our signal consists of two parts: signal's message and signal's details. Here you will see examples of signal messages that could be displayed on our signals page in the members' area as well the messages that could be sent out in our email alerts.

Open Options Trade - After issuing a signal, we initiate (open) a trade. Our "Suggested Entry" price may be stated in the form of a limit or of a market order.

Trade Opened - When an option trades at or above the stated "Suggested Entry" price, we will sell the particular option.

Close Options Trade - If we issued a "Suggested Exit" price and the option is now trading at or below this price, we will buy back the option to close out our short position.

Trade Closed - We do not issue signals to indicate when naked short options should be covered. Instead, at the time a signal is issued, we state a "Suggested Exit" price.

Execute Period - We define "Execute Period" as the time span (in number of days) within which a trade must be initiated.

Not Executed Order - What to do when a signal was generated but the order was not executed due to the market condition and the signal's life-span has expired.

Stop Loss - About how and when we issue a stop los and what email alerts are sent out when stop-loss is issued/changed as well what alerts are sent out when stop-loss is hit.

Email Alerts - The list of the most frequently asked questions about our email alerts, as how to activate them, how to get alerts on several email addresses, how to receive them on cell phone and etc...

Signal Alerts - Here you will find a detailed instruction how to set email alerts on our QQQ and SPY uncovered options signals.

Types of Signals - See the examples of signals you receive when our system generates a recommendations for a new signal, new exit price, new stop loss as well as when we receive a confirmation about opening and closing our signals from our brokers.

Alternative Options - Alternative options symbols from the same options expiration chain could be traded by those subscribers who do not autotrade our signals.

Options Signals - list of the frequently asked questions about our options signals.

Signal - Most frequently asked questions about our options signals and our trading system from when our signals are generated, how to open a trade to closing the options position.

Signal Update - Our signals may be published during trading hours. In addition, we regularly review them at 8:30 PM EST.

Options Calculator - To better evaluate a trading system many investors would like to see what potential profit a trading system would deliver to a particular account.

Option Trades - There are several factors that may assure you that the trade history is real, and the entry and exit prices are real and not edited.

Options Performance Yearly Performance Calculator - recalculate our trading system's past performance by taking into account margin requirements for each past year.

Options History - We do not calculate compounded rates of return simply because we do not encourage continual reinvestment of gains back into options.

Option Trades - The calculated returns do not account for capital that is tied up as collateral, as mandated by brokers for naked options trading.

QQQ Trades - SPY Trades - The trade entry price is based on the actual market price of an option at the moment it trades at or above the "Suggested Entry" price.

2019 Options Trading - list of the signals generated by our trading system in 2020 year.

2019 Options Trading - list of the signals generated by our trading system in 2019 year.

2018 Options Trading - list of the signals generated by our trading system in 2018 year.

2017 Options Trading - list of the signals generated by our trading system in 2017 year.

2016 Options Trading - list of the signals generated by our trading system in 2016 year.

2015 Options Trading - list of the signals generated by our trading system in 2015 year.

2014 Options Trading - list of the signals generated by our trading system in 2014 year.

2013 Options Trading - list of the signals generated by our trading system in 2013 year.

2012 Options Trading - list of the signals generated by our trading system in 2012 year.

2011 Options Trading - list of the signals generated by our trading system in 2011 year.

2010 Options Trading - list of the signals generated by our trading system in 2010 year.

2009 Options Trading - list of the signals generated by our trading system in 2009 year.

2008 Options Trading - list of the signals generated by our trading system in 2008 year.

2007 Options Trading - list of the signals generated by our uncovered options trading system in 2007 year. At the middle of this year the system has been changed.

2006 Options Trading - during this year our options trading system started to generate signals for SPY uncovered options in addition to existing QQQ signals. More then 20 signals were generated during this year with only one negative result.

2005 Options Trading - list of the options trading signals generated by our system in 2005 year. At that time only 9 QQQ trades were generated, 6 of which were winners.

Options News - Articles about our service in the media

Stop Order - In situations where the market does not move in our favor, we can prevent substantial losses by the use of stop losses.

Option Alerts - E-mail: We can send email alerts to cellular phones or pagers as soon as any changes occur with our signals!

Simple Trading System - No need to learn any complicated systems in order to profit from the trading of naked options.

QQQ Trading System - The numbers describing the QQQ uncovered options system reflect our trades over the past six and twelve months.

SPY Trading System - The numbers describing the QQQ uncovered options system reflect our trades over the past six and twelve months.

QQQ Statistics - Here you will find statistics data like number of signals, system's accuracy, number of losing and winning trades for various periods in the history for QQQ uncovered options trading system.

SPY Statistics - The same as above, just here you will find statistical data for our SPY signals which will give you the ability to evaluate them for various periods in the past from 3 months to 5 years.

Margin Returns - Explains the difference between representing returns tied to received premium and returns tied to margin account.

Funds Allocation - Explains how to define minimum funds allocation that could be required to try an uncovered options trading system.

QQQ or SPY - Check here to see whether you should invest into QQQ or SPY uncovered option systems. Short comparison will help you to select the best choice for your investments.

History on Charts

SPY Options - four SPY options signals were generated in October 2007 with plus 103% summary return.

Nasdaq 100 and S&P 500 Signals - Another four profitable signals in November 2007. First QQQ uncovered options signal was generated.

Uncovered Options - Only 3 signals were generated in December 2007. Again all signals were profitable and our trading system achieved this spectacular gain within two trading sessions only.

Simple Options Trading - 6 signals and almost 200% of the premium received for sold options is kept as a profit in January 2008.

Uncovered Options - Our uncovered options trading system delivered great results in the first two weeks of February 2008.

Best Trading System - three QQQ and three SPY options signals in March 2008 with plus 230% return from the premium received.

Options Trading - Another spectacular month was provided to our subscribers in April 2008: 6 trades - all winners.

Profitable Trading System - five profitable signals in the first half of May 2008 and the first negative signal in our history.

Conservative Trading System - seven signals were generated in June 2008, five of them were positive.

QQQ and SPY Trading - Another winner in July 2008: six signals and all of them generated great return.

QQQ and SPY Options - First month in 2009 (January 2009) delivered six profitable signals in two weeks.

Uncovered Options Trading - Only four signals in February 2009 with almost +150% result.

Simple Trading - March 2009 has brought only four signals - all of them were profitable.

Options Trading System - ten profitable signals in April 2009 have marked this month as the best month in the history of our trading system.

Options Signals - two signals in May 2009 - one of the "worst" months in 2009 with +88% profit from the premium received for sold short options.

Trading System - Another spectacular 30 days in June 2009 - 8 signals and all winners. More than 200% of premium were left in the portfolio of our subscribers.

S&P 500 - Only 3 signals were generated in July 2009, yet, spectacular result was achieved on SPY uncovered options signals.

SPY - Great month and amazing returns - seven profitable signals and zero lost trades.

Options Trading - One more time our system confirmed that trading uncovered options could be extremely rewarded. New record on returns was made in September 2009.

Options Trading System - Second month in a row our system outperform all expectation by delivering 446% on premium in a single month (October 2009).

QQQ Options - Unbelievable signals continued to be generated by our system in November 2009. 400% of the premium were written down as profit.

QQQ Options Trading - December 2009 was not the best month, yet, zero lost trades and four profitable signals added another wining month to the list.

Simple Trading - The stock market had correction in January 2010. Since such period are very risky for uncovered options, our system stayed in cash most of the time. Still, two profitable trades were generated (zero lost trades).

QQQ and SPY - another 6 profitable signals in February 2010 continue to keep system's accuracy on 100% level since 2008.

System - stable trading system - this is our credo - step by step, trade by trade watch your portfolio growing.

Signals - three small short signals and 106% of profit added to the system's portfolio.

QQQ - one simple profitable trade within a single trading session.

QQQ Signals - The best month in 2010 - almost 300% of profit on the options premium in a single month on three QQQ and two SPY options signals.

SPY Signals - Only one signal, yet still profitable one.

SPY - two SPY and one QQQ signals generated by our system on the S&P 500 index chart.

QQQ - two QQQ and one SPY signals have added +148% to our simple trading system.

Options - three signals in February 2011 and one signal at the begging of March 2011 on the Nasdaq 100 chart.

Trading - only two signals with 133% of profit.

QQQ and SPY Signals - perfect signals from the simple trading system: six signals and six winners and plus 236% of summary profit..

Trading Signals - two SPY options and one QQQ options signals with 200% of summary profit in May of 2011.

QQQ Options - Only one signals on the QQQ options - another increase in the portfolio.

SPY Options - first lost signal over the past 12 months.

Trading Signals - two signals and no losses. Signals are profitable, yet, the profit is small - still it is the profit.

Trading System - four signals and four winners with profit of 181% on premium in the unstable market - when the market was on the edge of recession from the Europe crisis..

Uncovered Options Signals - the system has delivered plus 201% of profit based on the premium received for selling options short in two last weeks of 2011 year.

Uncovered Options Trading - January 2012 was the best month since November 2009. Plus 291% of profit (based on premium) were delivered by our system through 4 SPY and 2 QQQ signals.

Options Signals - February 2012 was the same good as January of 2012. Another 291% of profit (based on premium) were added to the historical records of our simple trading system.

Signals - March 2012: Only two signals were generated in March 2012, yet, our system delivered plus 168% profit based on the premium received for selling options short .

Trading Signals - April 2012: Five signals and five successful trades with overall profit of 268% for March month.

Options - May 2012: First time over the past eleven month over monthly return dropped below zero line .

Uncovered Signals - July 2012: another three profitable signals and another successful month for our trading system. Just plus 109%, yet, still addition to our system's portfolio.

Options Signals - September 2012: Only three signals were generated in August of 2012, yet 205% profit (based on premium) is a good increase to the profitability of our options system .

September 2012 - September 2012: One of the best months in 2012 year - plus 298% on an options' premium n a single month.

October 2012 - October 2012: Conservative trading strategy was selected for this month as stock market was in down-trend and trading uncovered puts was at higher risk level.

November 2012 - November 2012: Stock market is still down - still conservative trading strategy generated two trading signals.

December 2012 - December 2012: About plus 120% were made on the premium by following four signals - two on QQQ and two on SPY.

January 2013 - January 2013: Five trading signals to begin 2013 year - good startup and guide for trading.

February 2013 - February 2013: February was not as good as January, still our system delivered 82% of premium for selling short options..

March 2013 - March 2013: not bad result - four positive QQQ and SPY signals despite volatile and sideway markets.

April 2013 - April 2013: Another volatile month, and another four profitable signals show how successful could be uncovered options trading when conservative approach is used.

May 2013 - May 2013: One lost signal - small loss - first loss over the past 12 months - overall positive result for the May month.

June 2013 - June 2013: Only two signals - two winner were generated in June of 2013 - testing market after the small lost signal in May of 2013.

July 2013 - July 2013: Volatile and sideway markets - by following conservative rules our system had only two signals - both were positive.

August 2013 - August 2013: On of the best months in our history - six signals and all of them are winners with summary return on premium above 400%.

September 2013 - In September our trading system continued winning streak by delivering another four positive trades.

October 2013 - Only three trades were generated in this month - two on QQQ and one on SPY - all of them were positive.

November 2013 - Another solid month of positive trades was added to our trading system record..

December 2013 - Third best month in 2013 year - five successful trades ended the year on the extremely positive note.

January 2014 - List of the QQQ and SPY trades generated by NOS system in January of 2014.

February 2014 - Nine signals (5 QQQ signals and 4 SPY signals) were generated in February of 2014 and all these signals were winner - it was one of the best months in our history.

March 2014 - First negative trade for the last 10 months. Still the March of 2014 was positive month by the end with another 3 positively closed signals

April 2014 - Only two positive trades were made in this month as stock market continued to move side-way. Absence of strong indicators made our trading system to stay in cash.

May 2014 - Our trading system has generated no signals in May of 2014. We have remained in cash for the entire month. Side-way market, mixed indicators, tension between Ukraine and Russia, all of it pushed us to stay in cash.

June 2014 - Four signals were issued in July of 2014 - all of them were positive.

July 2014 - Just 2 positive trades were issued in this month - strike of positive results continues - 10 winning trades in a row.

August 2014 - six positive naked options trading signals in August of 2014 were generated by our system - now it is streak of 16 green trades.

September 2014 - In anticipation of a correction down we spend more than a month without a signal. Still, one QQQ and one SPY signals were generating by adding to our history another two positive results.

October 2014 - four signals and four winners - two QQQ and two SPY signals were generated during October of 2014 with total summary return of +238% on premium received for selling options short.

November 2014 - five signals: two on QQQ and three on SPY - all positive and +294% on premium..

December 2014 - No signals were generated in December of 2014 - increasing volatility kept us out of signals generation.

January 2015 - See on a chart when our simple trading system generated QQQ and SPY uncovered options trading signals in January of 2015.

February 2015 - See on a chart when our impleading system generated QQQ and SPY uncovered options trading signals in February of 2015.

March 2015 - See on a chart when our impleading system generated QQQ and SPY uncovered options trading signals in March of 2015.

April 2015 - No a lot of signal was generated on this month. Still, system continues to produce the stable positive results

May 2015 - The stock market continues to stay in the side-way range, and our system continues to generate positive returns.

June 2015 - Most of the month, the market was negative, yet we managed stay in the green zone.

July 2015 - The analysis was showing the high odds of correction down and as the result the system remained in the cash for the biggest part of July.

August 2015 - The system has generated four positively closed signals with summary of more than 250% profit on options premium.

September 2015 - The same as in July, no signals were generated in September of 2015.

October 2015 - After the strong correction when n signals were generated in September due to the high volatility, our system has delivered two positive signals.

November 2015 - Another the profitable trades were added to the marathon of the positive signals - all winners in 2015.

December 2015 - this month s the perfect example of catching the bounces up during the Bearish market.

January 2016 - six trades in a single months made January of 2016 one of the best performed months over the couple of past years in the period of the one of the worst beginning of a year on the market over the past couple of years.

February 2016 - 2016 has been good for our trading strategy. We had less signals in February when compared to January - still our system remains to be called as 100% successful since March of 2014.

March 2016 - Unclear situation on the stock market and uncertain indicators pushed the system into a cautious condition and as the result only one signals was generated - still the positive one.

April 2016 - Despite negative and side-way market in April of 2016, the system has generated 5 profitable signals.

May 2016 - Another month of profitable signals pushed the level of positive trading without a lost signals to 26 months.

June 2016 - Two negative signals were generated in June of 2016 as stop-loss was hit at the market open right after the Brexit vote results were released.

July 2016 - Only one signals was generated in July 2016 by delivering 55% profit on the premium from selling short the QQQ options put contracts.

August 2016 - Low volume and low volatile August when market indexes were moving mostly side-way, the system generated five profitable signals - no losses.

September 2016 - Historically, September is one of the worst month in a year, yet, our system generated two (one on QQQ and one on SPY) positive signals in the first half of the month. Both signals delivered 100% profit from the premium received for selling options short.

October 2016 - Four successful options signals were generated by our trading system in this pre-election period of high uncertainty on the political arena and on the stock market.

November 2016 - Another successful month without any lost signals continue to help our subscribers to be successful on the stock market.

December 2016 - Again, 3 options signals and 3 winners has closed 2016 year on the very positive note - another year for successful trading system.

January 2017 - Uncovered options system continue to prove that naked options are source of a stable income when they are used in a safe way.

February 2017 - Unbeatable streak continues for 8 months - another 5 green trades added to the portfolio of those who autotrade our newsletters.

March 2017 - three positive signals were generated in March of 2017 as the market (S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100) moved side-way.

April 2017 - another two positive trades and another month added to the winning streak that started in June of 2016.

May 2017 - the Bulls were in charge in May and our simple trading system gave 5 green trades on the bullish trend by proving that the system continues to deliver.

June 2017 - Correction in the technology sector shadowed the stock market in June of 2017, yet, our system avoided losses and continued to be positive.

July 2017 - for more than a year our simple trading system had no losses by helping the investors with steady cash flow.

August 2017 - slowed month of the summer and in the entire year, when the majority of the investors are on their vacations. Weak indicators led us to remain in cash for most of the time.

September 2017 - Despite positive market the indicators were troubling, therefore for the second month in a row we had only a few small positive signals. Still none of them were lost.

October 2017 - Five signals were generated in October - all green and perfect entry point during the corrections down.

November 2017 - It was the best month in 2007 by performance of the generated signals - the system delivered 3 QQQ and 3 SPY perfectly executed profitable trades.

December 2017 - The system ended the year on the positive note by generating two profitable signals - there were no lost signals in 2017.

January 2018 - Flash crash in January of 2018 caused first negative signals over the past several years. Still, in summary the system ended the month on the positive note.

February 2018 - Only one signals was generated in this high volatile market.

March 2018 - After increase in volatility, the system generated five trading signals, The signals were short-lived and on the most of the them we issued a stop loss as soon as the signals were in profit. This led to positive return, yet signals were short-lived.

April 2018 - By continuing adjusting the system to new market conditions, the system did not have strong trend indicators in April of 2018 which led to the absence of signals in this month.

May 2018 - As the market remained volatile, the indicators remained weak - the system did not generated any signals in May of 2018.

June 2018 - After two month without trades, our system delivered two wins: one on QQQ options and one on SPY options.

July 2018 - Again, no trades. Again we had confusing market and confusing indicators which led to the absence of trading signals.

August 2018 - One of the best months in 2018 delivered more than 300% in profit based on the premium received for selling options short.

September 2018 - Our system had a number of strong bearish reversal signals. We expected for the market to dive down strongly. Therefore, there were no signals.

October 2018 - In this month the system generated three very short-lived profitable trading signals and two2-week long but also profitable signals.

November 2018 - Flash crash started in October continued in November. Due to the high risk we stayed out of generating trading signals. However, two profitable signals (one on QQQ and one on SPY) were delivered to our subscribers..

December 2018 - Volatile and uncertain market was recorded in December of 2018. The market ended the year on the negative note - our trading system ended the year by adding another three positive trades.

January 2019 - Three SPY signals were generated by our proprietary technical indicators - more than 50% of profit were delivered each

April 2019 - April month was good for QQQ - two profitable trades on QQQ and one profitable trade on SPY were sent to our subscribers.

June 2019 - Uncertainty on the market resulted in just two signals. Still the system continues working without loses.

July 2019 - The S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 moved above their resistance line which was set almost a year ago and our system delivered three profitable trades.

August 2019 - As the Nasdaq 100 dropped sharply, the stop-loss on the QQQ options trade was triggered which led to the first red signal in 2019.

September 2019 - One on QQQ and one on SPY trades - both positive as the major indexes were trending flat at their long-term resistance level.

October 2019 - Two green signals were delivered to our subscribes as market indexes brook above the long-term resistance level.

Risk Statement:

Naked options trading is very risky - many people lose money trading them. It is recommended contacting your broker or investment professional to find out about trading risk and margin requirements before getting involved into trading uncovered options.

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