The income profit made on an investment.
Annual Return: The simple rate of return earned by an investment for each year.
Expected Return: A rather complex mathematical analysis involving statistical distribution of stock prices, it is the return which an investor might expect to make on an investment if he were to make exactly the same investment many times throughout history.
Incremental Return Concept: A strategy of covered call writing in which the investor is striving to earn an additional return from option writing against a stock position which he (she) has targeted to sell possibly at substantially higher prices.
Total Return Concept: A covered call writing strategy in which one views the potential profit of the strategy as the sum of capital gains, dividends, and option premium income, rather than viewing each one of the three separately.
Static Return: The return that an investor would make on a particular position if the underlying stock were unchanged in price at the expiration of the options in the position.
Return on Investment: The percentage profit that one makes, or might make, on his investment.
Return if Exersise: The return that a covered call writer would make if the underlying stock were called away.